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"No man can live this life and emerge unchanged. He will carry, however faint, the imprint of the desert, the bind which marks the nomad; and he will have within him the yearning to return, weak or inconsistent according to his nature. For this cruel land can cast a spell which no temperate clime can match." - TE Lawrence, Seven pillars of Wisdom

Wednesday the 26th

35JD 1hr taxi south

View from a scenic overlook

Our driver and guide- Audi

At Lawrence's Spring, just outside of town
I had learned that I would be joined by two other travelers, and was glad I would have the company. Small world- this is Caroline from France, the only other tourist I had made an effort to speak to on this trip so far. I ran into her at Petra the day before, and asked her what the "F" on her baseball cap stood for, since it looked like the University of Florida symbol. Now here she was again, with her partner Olivier.

Here we climb a sand dune. We'd be dumping sand out of our boots for the next few days.

Me and my AK

"Alameleh Inscriptions: good example of ancient rock drawings, showing camels and wildlife."

"Sibarte monkiki!"

View from atop Lawrence's house

For most of this two weeks I would have cloudless, clear blue skies

We stop for lunch, basically pita and some dips, one of which Audi cooked up out here

Believe the three pics below are us walking through Khazali canyon

Lots of fun climbing our way up to this rock bridge- cool!

Then we spend time at a sunset site

Then head to our Bedouin camp for dinner, playing some rummy, and a good but chilly nights rest

Chicken and what tasted good like rice'a'roni

Wiki info

Wadi Rum sites
Great Wadi Rum Info
Great Jordan Info
Good Wadi info
Wadi Rum personal site
Jordan Info
Jordan Info