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Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

Michelle and I, with the world's tallest buildings (at the time) behind us

Fools in paradise
Lake Gardens

The U2 back album cover
In front of National Monument

Five days here at first seemed a bit much, but turned out to be a very enjoyable time. Our hotel (Hotel Equatorial) had so many amenities and was in such contrast to the youth hostels that I had grown accustomed to whenever outside of America that it alone almost made the trip worthwhile. Shopping here was also fantastic, with me personally focusing on watches. Here is where I purchased my favorite $9 Tag Heuer, and after extensive research got a real Seiko Kinetic Arctura for half of its American price. Another lesson in arbitrage- were transportation feasible and of low cost, I could make a killing importing Kentucky Fried Chicken to the US.

At our favorite KFC
Sungei Wang Plaza

On the business side, we learned from the Dell representative, who flew in all the way from Penang, that they prefer to hire women over men, quite the opposite to historical western culture. Why? "Malaysian men are lazy. They prefer to sit under coconut tree. If you hire one they work for an hour, then must take break. They work another hour, then disappear to supermarket to take break. You have to watch them." You probably couldn't say that in our country without a lawyer soon approaching you, but I thought it was beautiful to see that business people in some parts of the world were still able to speak their minds.

Inside the Batu Caves

Laura in front of a famous landmark

When ya gotta go...
Base of KL Tower

American nose hair

While much had been discussed about Ramadan's effect on Malaysia during our class periods, its influence was not that overt to us. However, in December when the US was bombing Iraq and references were made to us ending it by Ramadan, I for one surely felt like a member of the intellectual elite.

Click for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Forecast


Jan 10th- Singapore Airlines
Stayed at the Hotel Phoenix

Fairly sterile, and the most expensive of our four countries. The alcohol here seemed prohibitively expensive, feeling like we were in Utah, but in actuality was about the same as what we would have paid in the States, proving that everything indeed is relative. Probably a good Managerial Effectiveness theorem there.

Having a Singapore Sling where the drink was invented- the Raffles Hotel

"The Blue Lagoon" shot/Touching the buddha
National Orchid Garden

This country did provide an example of teachings from Peter Brews' International Business Class in that if you can trade some personal freedoms you really can whip a society into shape fairly fast. Were it not for that Asian Crisis thingamajig Singapore seemed to have all the tools to be really happening. Again, I was concerned about cultural differences affecting one of my classmates when she was flagrantly chewing gum upon our arrival to the airport and a policeman went by on the moving sidewalk. Despite the ethical implications of this I was glad to see her not publicly caned, although I am still considering submitting an honor code violation.

Korean students doing what they know best
Outside of policestation

The native populace
Wet market

Chinese junk cruise to Kusu Island

Click for Singapore, Singapore Forecast

January 13th- 14:05 Cathay Pacific flight 712 to Bangkok

Bangkok , Thailand-

Ahhh, the home of Darika and Pab (two of our Thai classmates). Is this place what has helped to make them so special? I never got the sense of extreme traffic pollution from talking to them as actually being there. We did get a feel of danger when after only a few hours in town, on our first taxi ride, the driver pulled off into a side street and tried to drop us at a brothel instead of going to our restaurant. Apparently the Thai phrase book that I was practicing wasn't conveying the proper message. But every culture is different, and we soon learned this was simply a quaint custom that all Bangkok taxi drivers provided to tourists.

Discipline, my son!
The Grand Palace

Worshippers at Wat Phrachetuphon

The Reclining Buddha

Thai boxing match- Van Dammin!
The legendary Lumpinee Stadium

Curiosity got the better of most of our group over what was being offered on those street menus with the odd drawings, so male and female alike visited and thoroughly enjoyed the funny human tricks performed at "Super Pussys."
My favorite was the chopsticks. Celebrate diversity.

On Her Majesty's Service
Outside of "Super Pussys" Patpong Street

And as is a must on all GATE trips, a visit to a local brewery (we did one in Estonia too) was provided as part of our business experience, since apparently beer represents a large proportion of business ventures. My suggestion is that an afternoon versus morning visit may provide more utility to a larger segment of the group. Did I mention live kickboxing, $10 two hour massages, and more good shopping?

Other companies we visited:
Bombardier- Kuala Lumpur
Mobil- Singapore
Morgan Stanley- Singapore
Nakornthorn Bank- Bangkok

In Bangkok we stayed at what used to be the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Bangkok

Click for Bangkok, Thailand Forecast

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